A downloadable game

Game Programmer Portfolio


Noah Sven Werner

Welcome to my Portfolio! 

In 2020 when the world was hit by the corona virus, I did my part and stayed at home, while I was in the last year of school.

After I finished school I worked part-time as a courier driver for Lieferando and as a cashier in Rewe.

I always spend my free time making animations, which I upload to YouTube, writing stories on Wattpad and creating small games.

In the beginning of my programming journey, I started making Games with RPG Maker VX , went on to Renpy and even tried creating 3D Models with Blender, until I found GameMakerStudios 2:

My Games

After I graduated from school, I started participating in game jams more.

I participated in the Quad Jam #1 with Bullet Guy, which is my latest game jam entry.

Another game I'm currently working on is Dungeon Quest.

Most of the games are completely made by myself, but with around two games i programmed, one of my friends made the music and parts of the art.

l love to add new features to every new game I create, so that  one day I have enough experience to make my dream game!

(One of my newest project , but more of a test project for an open world)

I try to add something new in every game, that I couldn't do before.

This is one of the first games I made, since I started using Game Maker Studio 2:

You can see that I focused more on the story and the art, which gave me less space to program.

I wanted to make to game more fun and decided to pause this game, to make a new game in which I start focusing more on the game play. This way I wanted to improve on making games more fun, to one day come back to this game and make the game play more fun.

Shortly after this I started joining a game jam.

This is a simple 2D Platformer in which you play a duck, wearing a tie, who has to work for a company. 

I added a gun , which comes later into the game and a timer, which shows the state of your boss's mood. The boss's mood changes from being happy to mad, when the work in the company isn't done quickly.

I worked more on the game play itself and created a room which would be only used to test all the mechanics I added. 

Yet even if  I do think this helped me get new experience, I still wasn't ready to use it to work on my main Game.

This is why I started working on this game.

Since I gained lots of programming experience from the games I made before, programming this game I'm about to list here was so much easier and less complicated. I could feel that I was getting better at it and that motivated me to keep going! 

(the main character does not have amnesia, but had an accident. He is in a state in which he can't remember anything, until he soon wakes up. l did not make my game around amnesia, this is really just the tutorial)

In the beginning of the game I decided to add a mini-game-like-tutorial, so the player learns the mechanics of the game in a more fun way. If you do not get it right away, don't worry! Connie will explain it to you in a more foolproof way.

The goal is to repeat the colors in the exact same order. (This is just the tutorial interface. The real one is going to have a few more items).

The main game mechanics are going to be some quick time events, in which the main character has to press buttons in a certain order to get out of situations.

I choose two games and further explained them on these sides.

Go to the next Page (BulletGuy)

Go to the next Page (DungeonQuest) 

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