A downloadable game

Game Programmer Portfolio


Noah Sven Werner

Dungeon Quest

Dungeon Quest is a game that shows my love to Dungeons and Ducks!

At first I wanted to make a game based on the idea  "DUCKS WITH GUNS" , but I soon realized someone not only already used the idea, but also named their game: DUCKS WITH GUNS. It did not hold me back from creating a game about ducks tough!

Coming up with the story:

As always, I wrote my ideas down on paper and searched for funny and unique ideas.

The story is about a little duck, who's farther (the king) was poisoned. Instead of giving the rightful successor the little duck the throne, he was thrown into the dungeon!

Now it's the little ducks time to go get his Duckdom back! (Kingdom)

Doesn't sound unique right now, but the games story has so much more to offer.

I always think about every npc and the world surrounding the player, aswell as the impact of the player and ask myself few questions, "what if..".

- What if an npc dies, won't someone be sad?

- What if other npc won't just stop and wait for the player to arrive at a certain point?

- What if the world goes on without the player actually needing to be there?

My dream game would be to create a whole world on screen, not bound by the players action. The player would only be a part of the world and this is why I often make small games and take some of the main goal, to program it into a small game.

By giving the player a main goal and letting him reach it in any way possible, he creates his own story.

The mechanics of the Game:

The first part of the game:

The first part is already playable as a demo on the game page itself.

After falling down into the dungeon, the player has to solve a few riddles to get from room to room, but be aware of monsters living in the dungeon, fallen prisoners and the living dead, which he all can shoot with his soon found gun.

Until he may one day find a way back into town.

The game is a 2D rpg on a 3D platform, in which the riddles can be solved trough a combination of buttons or trough moving objects.

Rolling away from combat or shooting it's way trough enemies, the little duck has to find a way back to the kingdom.

I also wanted to make a small boss fight at the end of the first part, after escaping the dungeon, with the skills the player learned trough out the dungeon.

The boss would have been the elder duck who the player meets at the beginning, but the fight should have been only started, if the player shot the elder duck at the beginning. This way, the player only sees curtain events if he goes exploring.

While fighting him, the duck can shoot at his main body (purple-gray, red eyes) and has to roll away from his hands , which slams onto the ground.

The little duck should be able to move the hands, while still on the ground into pits of water, with thorns, to destroy or hurt the enemy.

I have only written my ideas on paper and haven' fully created the boss fight yet.

The Second Part of the Game:

There are multiple endings and ways to infiltrate the kingdom.

One of the ways to get into the kingdom is to dress up as a guard and work the night shift.

Other ways would be to talk to the grandmother of the ice cream boy and help her grandson (ice cream boy) to deliver some snacks, which then later can be delivered into the kingdom.

 (don't mind the massive duck on the right, who seems a bit stuck, considering this is still a work in progress)

Currently i'm working on the routines of every npc and have already made a day and night circle. I already finished one route, which is the route of the ice cream duck, who works all day selling ice cream and goes home at night.


Yet in the end, this game is still in progress and I have to keep it simple no mater how many ideas I have.

l can always add changes at the end after my game is already finished!

This way said, I will work on one route at a time.

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